Re-naming anything is a big deal.
So from November 2016, when we talked seriously about RED POINT Durban moving out of home, and becoming its own Church, we have been talking about names.And our very long list of potential names was a mixed bag of ‘the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.’
It was a fun process praying, brainstorming, getting creative and getting different options and suggestions from the whole Church about what we should be called.
And finally, (as most of you should know by now) we decided that our new name should be Harbour City Church.
(We really love it.)
Harbour City is a name which has more to do with our Geography than with our theology, vision, mission or cultures.
But, Durban is the place that God has placed us and called us to be His Church.
Durban is our Home, and our Mission Field, and where we are called to Follow Jesus.
So we’ve chosen a name that includes the most prominent feature of Durban.
People have also loved the metaphors associated with a Harbour.
The idea of Ships coming in and going out. The idea of repairing and refuelling. The idea of a safe place, and a sending place.
And this is so true of what we believe God is calling us to. We believe that Harbour City is an:
Apostolic Name – Harbour City will send people out around the City and World to share the Gospel, advance God’s Kingdom and plant Churches.
Pastoral and Evangelistic Name – People will come in, be loved and cared for, begin to Follow and Know Jesus, and be discipled and equipped for God’s purposes.
And this is really what our Vision has been since the beginning: “To Know Jesus and Make Jesus Known.”
The founding scripture that really got us to plant in Durban was:
Acts 14v21: “When they had preached the gospel to that city and had made many disciples…”
And this has been what we have sought to do, even before our first Sunday gathering on 11 August 2013 happened.
We want to see the Gospel go out, changing lives and ultimately renewing our City. We want to see people come to Know Jesus, Love Jesus and Follow Him. And we want to see many new disciples made.
And, if you are a part of this community, then this is the Vision that you are part of. And we’re really excited to live this out together as Harbour City Church.