Good Morning Harbour City and friends.

Today is Easter Sunday, and we’re so glad that we can celebrate the Hope of Easter with you all. Take a moment to make some tea or coffee, get comfortable, and get ready as we start our Easter at Home service.

Open in Prayer:

Why not start this Easter Sunday in prayer at Home, welcoming God and asking Him to meet with you and speak to you this morning?


Kids Church Material:

Inside you’ll find Kids Church Teaching Videos, Worship Song Video links and Activities for younger and older kids to go through. There are also some worksheets to use to have fun with your kids and take them through the Easter message this morning, with help from our friends at Restored LA.



For those of you who aren’t able to pull out your instruments and lead worship for yourselves at home, you can click this link for a livestream of worship by some members of Harbour City, starting at 10am.


Church Notices:

This is a time that we want to stay well connected as a Church, while we are separated in lockdown.

We are sending Daily Devotionals from Monday – Saturday to help point you to Jesus at this time. As well as helpful and relevant resources to read and consider. If you don’t currently receive those mails, and would like to, you can Sign up . You can also follow us on social media through the links at the bottom of this page.

Secondly, since lockdown has been extended, we want to continue to work out what it looks like to Love our Neighbours both in Harbour City and around Durban at this time. We’ve put together a blog post with ideas and ways that we can all Love our City in Lockdown that you can read below.

Loving our City in Lockdown

Easter Sermon Video:

Easter Sunday is a day focused on Hope and New Life. Even though we can’t be together today, we’re grateful that we get to gather around the same message and remember Jesus, His incredible love and what He has done for us.

Audio Version:


Before you carry on with your day, why not take a moment to think through the passage that has just been taught and reflect on its relevance for your life. Now ask the Holy Spirit if there is anything He is saying to you or asking of you? How are you personally going to respond to what God is saying this morning?