Praying and Fasting for Renewal in Durban

Praying and Fasting for Renewal in Durban

As a Church we are going to fast and pray for Renewal in our City, as a response to what we have been teaching on and the great need we see all around us in Durban.  We are going to Fast on the 4th and 5th of August, and we will meet in the...
Alpha Day of Prayer and Fasting

Alpha Day of Prayer and Fasting

With our ALPHA Film Series starting in groups around our City next week, we wanted to prepare our hearts with a day of prayer and fasting, to seek God and pray for the people who will be taking part in this journey. And, we wanted to pray for ourselves as we partner...
Church Fast

Church Fast

Next week, Harbour City is going to be starting ourĀ 2018 Church Fast! We’re fasting a bit differently this year though. Instead of fasting for 4 consecutive days, we want to make our fast this year less of an “Event”, and more a normal practice that...